Butterflies seem to amaze me.
Since last year when we have that meditation/exercises on "meet and know your animal guide", a butterfly appears in my mind during that meditation. From that time, it seemed to be always watching and hovering me everywhere I go. My first actual fascination with butterflies was in Greece 7 years ago, when I was brought into one of the islands' butterfly garden where you could see those hundreds of different coloured butterflies in all sizes, flying all over atop the flowers. Since that time, everytime, i see a butterfly, I smile and see only beauty in it. I am aware of their presence. Last year, when we had our family swimming at Mt. Makiling, the hill-top pool was occupied by no other people but my kids enjoying the cool waters. We seemed to be priviledged to use the pool ourselves. At mid-day, my little 2 year-old daughter was pointing to one flying big blue butterfly in pathway around the pool, I noticed it, and she began to to playfully chase the butterfly, then,
>another butterfly came, then again another one, until maybe a dozen of them came in all different colours and were enjoying being chase by my daughter... I joined the chase. The 3 older kids were also amazed by that and said, we are being visited. When we went home, we were surprised that there were couples of butterflies inside our 2 parked cars. Cars are locked for sure.
Many incidents on butterflies have been experienced by me in the past few months, there is a brown butterfly following me inside the elevator when i am alone, sometimes there is one yellow butterfly in my office bathroom, and oftentimes pairs of butterflies inside the house. My recent encounter was only last two days, 10th November, Sunday- It was 6:00 in the morning when I opened our main-door, and there, there were 2 brown butterflies waiting to get into the house- of course they got in and later my little daughter catch them and put them back in the garden. November 11, Monday at 10:00 pm, I was having my couple of beers in the house verandah, the lights were put off and only the street lamp is silhouted, when again a yellow buttefly landed in my left hand. I was surprise as it is dark evening.
Whenever, I ask my higher self, what message it brings me, I seemed not to get the answers, but just a feeling of lightness in my body. In the real world, I have my bank loan approved, I received un-expected performance bonuses, and an excellent appraisals. Butterflies will continue to be my partner and guide.
Larry B. Villoso
Head of Finance & Admin
Reuters, Ltd. -Philippines
email: larry.villoso@reuters.com
REIKI and Self-Transformation
I find that the soul reading made on me is an analysis of my physical and psychological situation (which include emotion,beliefs, practices). The unfavorable internal situation manifests in the physical/external areas which produces a problem situation. The reading process include the desired situation that should be attained and the actions to be taken in order to attain the ideal or desired result. Putting a firm belief or thought into the mind by affirmation statements constantly or repeatedly practiced together with the set of actions would change the thought pattern and mental vision. The result is -- the desired result will present itself.
In my initial experience of the reading, I just followed the instructions because I wanted to come to the desied result or ideal situation. I found the affirmation statements which are firmly verbally spoken repeatedly as the transforming act which changed my belief and my corresponding emotions and practices. I experienced a change in my mental pattern. I become conscious of my thoughts that they should always be in the positive, that I should have a good mental vision of the things that I want to happen. The positive thought pattern attracted positivie action to the attainment of my desired goal and so on.
I later experienced that I attracted other interest of my Higher Self which I unirresistively pursued. I found myself leaving my old self and unto a more positive and better self. This form part of the self-transformation process that I willingly undertake as I ride on the flow of my life.
Dir. Lucita C. SanchezMalacanang
REIKI and Self-Realization
The classes are really eyeopeners for me. The teachings verify and confirm everything that I read in the book-Conversations with God by Neal Walsh. One recent event is my unnecessary worrying regarding the 'witch hunting' of a certain government agency. My constant dwelling on it had blown out of proportion that I created my own monster soaring me to distraction. Although I know in theory that everything in life is an illusion I couldn't see beyond the situation. I couldn't apply what I've read in life. It was the explanations in the classes that really got to me. Every situation is a vehicle for self-improvement, for learning, that we should not despair over unpleasant situation nor let our emotions affect our sense of balance and equilibrium. Moreover, after listening about Mike's past life, it dawned on me that different situations with the same themes just keep repeating itself until the lessons involved have been absorbed and learned. Now, I don't worry as much. We are larger than the situation presented to us, for we are eternal.
Cynthia ChanBusinesswoman
REIKI dissolved Intense Pain
I was on my way to to the radio station DWSS, when all of a sudden I felt a piercing sensation at the left side of my stomach. I thought it was just an ordinary stomach ache that was the effect of too much talking and that in a while it will soon be over. But instead the pain became more intense and a cold clammy perspiration covered my body, with my skin becoming pale and I became terrified. Thank God, Noel Resella was with me at that time. He sensed that something's wrong with me. He said that he will do Reiki healing on me. I nodded my head in agreement, still perspiring heavily due to severe pain. He placed both of his hands on the area where the pain is situated. I felt something warm, an energy, a very, very strong energy coming from him transmitting into my tummy. I wondered where the energy that emitted from him came from. I did not ask any question any more. All I knew is that the pain slowly subsided and I was relieved of my predicament, my chronic kidney trouble. When we arrived at the radio station the pain was gone. Then and only then did I believed in Reiki healing.I never believed before in whatever kind of psychic healing and regarded it as hocus-pocus. Being skeptical. like a doubting Thomas, my motto is to see is to believe. But it all was reversed when I experienced instantaneous healing through Noel's channeling of Reiki.
Alice GiradoGuidance Counselor, Host of "Ikaw at ang Gabay" Radio ProgramBF Homes Paranaque, Metro Manila
With Reiki Life will never be the same again
The first time I met a Reiki Master in 1996; I had no idea what Reiki was all about. As far as I was concerned, I just wanted to catch his attention and talk to him. That was the beginning of my sensitivity to Reiki energy.
The second time I met another Reiki Master in July 1997, I decided to try Reiki healing myself. During that time, I was brokenhearted. While undergoing the treatment, I went into a giggling fit. Then I started crying silently to myself. I was having an emotional release. I liked the healing and the feeling was beyond description. So when I met her months later, I asked her to teach me Reiki. A lot of things have happened to me since then, Reiki cannot be described; it can only be felt.
As a child, I was fond of magic and miracles. With Reiki as a way of life, miracles become more pronounced. Everyday is like a miracle. Miracles became normal to me and paranormal relative to others. I feel like I am getting better and better each day.
With Reiki, I can heal others and myself by touching or from a distance, if the patient is not physically present. Sometimes I am surprised to see my own aura in the mirror or the aura of other people. It has made me sensitive to other people's emotional issues and help them resolve these issues. I got to learn new insights. In a way I am also helping heal myself. Reiki somehow opened my third eye.
Reiki has a practical use. When something is wrong with a car and it will not start, just do Reiki and the car will start. One time I accidentally hit toes of a road worker in Quiapo. I healed him with Reiki and the road worker was able to proceed with his work. Another interesting incident that happened was when a physician cousin of mine who was pregnant at that time was having a hard time walking because she was in pain. She has to finish a long queue of patients waiting for her medical attention.
I asked her to give me ten minutes of her time to heal her with Reiki. After that, she was able to walk straight and finish her long queue of patients.
A sister of mine, who was initiated into Reiki 1 and 2 like myself, became pregnant. Her pregnancy with her fourth child was smooth sailing compared to her previous pregnancies, wherein she suffered from various infections. When the baby was born, her development was so fast. Recently I initiated the baby into Reiki 1.
Reiki can help a patient crossover. Another sister of mine, who is a doctor, was also initiated into Reiki 1 and 2. She was able to help her patient in chronic pain, die gracefully and at peace.
Reiki can also be sensuous. The opposite sex responds well to it. It also serves as my protection to remain pure, calm, and at peace. It guides me to attain happiness and enlightenment.
Last October 2000, I met Reiki Master for the fifth time. Since I felt like I was ready to become a Reiki Master, I asked her if she would initiate and teach me, and she agreed. According to her the process went on smoothly, unlike others whose initiation underwent certain obstacles.
Now that I am a Reiki Master myself, I feel blessed. I thank God for giving me an opportunity to learn, practice, and teach Reiki. It feels different because I am now more at peace, more patient, trusting, understanding, tolerant, courageous, humble and most of all, more loving to God, to myself, and other people.
So with Reiki, life will never be the same again
Dr. Nova P. Alaras, O.D.Balayan, Batangas