Inner Transformation for a Better World
Through the past years so many cards have passed through my hands, mostly dealing with fortune telling. I wanted something more substantial, something different. I wanted a set of cards that will deal with my present rather than the future. I wanted a set of cards that will deal with my whole being---a holistic reading involving the physical, psychological and the spirit. That which makes a man space---body, mind and soul. Everything have been dealt with separately. Medicine took care of the physical part, psychology the mind part, religion and metaphysics the soul component. It is time to fuse all the separate and related parts into a whole.
Finally, without finding anything that satisfied me, an inner voice told me to devise a set of cards with this ideal in mind. This opened a door for me where I met the right people at the right time when I needed a certain task or knowledge. These people in their own spare time helped me piece together, edit and test various versions until I arrived at the present form.
Presently, the cards are being used mainly for counseling. This allows issues to emerge from the reading. The issues that come out are usually the ones the questioner needs to resolve at the time of the reading. How this happens still baffles me but it always works. I have several theories but I strongly feel that for the moment, the fact that it works is sufficient enough to justify the reason why the cards were produced. That is to help resolve personal issues and bring the questioner to a level where, as the reading commences, a perception shift already starts. Inner healing begins even during the reading.
Primarily, many of the issues we are asked to resolve in our everyday lives are there for us because we have a lesson to learn from them. If we learn the
lesson from a certain issue we move forward to another level. If we do not, we go into a cycle where the issue is presented again and again. This is where we see a certain pattern in our lives where we encounter the same set of situations in different places and times involving different or the same persons. The cycle only stops when we have learned our lessons. It is like when you are in school where you have to learn a certain set of lessons in grade 1 before proceeding to grade 2. If you fail to digest the required prerequisites, then you repeat. This goes on and on until you have absorbed the necessary information for you to pass and go on to the next grade which is again another set of lessons to learn. We can then say safely that life is just a timeline of lessons to be learned.
When we are presented with an issue, we react psychologically with a set of emotions, beliefs and habits that have been brought about by previous conditioning from our past. It is the quality of the reaction that affects our general state. If we react with a positive reaction we usually resolve the issue in no time at all. But if we react negatively then that is a different story. These negative reactions then trigger other responses which in turn affect our health, producing illnesses in our body. This may be physical or psychological in nature. Most illnesses then stem from uncontrolled negative emotions and psychological reactions. If we get rid of the root of an illness, the effects or symptoms vanish.
As an illustration, imagine yourself as a two meter rubber hose connected to a supply of water. The triggering mechanism is the faucet where the water comes from and fills the hose and goes through the sprinkling device at the other end. If the water is pure and clean it passes through the hose and the sprinkling device easily. However, if the water is contaminated with mud, pebbles and other debris, the sprinkling device at the other end clogs. Soon no more water can pass through the sprinkling device and the rubber hose begins to expand. Once the rubber hose reaches its maximum strength of expansion, it bursts. Here, we can relate the dirty water to negative emotions and how it affects us.
I have to warn those who react extremely that his does not mean stopping all medical assistance. Rather we should perceive this system as a compliment, going hand in hand with medical treatment.
How do we get rid of emotional and psychological baggage? By acknowledging that they are a part of us and releasing them with love and forgiveness. How do we release them? Several methods are discussed and given concerning release in a later chapter.
After release the person is urged to use the affirmations. This is a set of ideals meant as a tool to reprogram the mind into becoming more positive and loving towards ourselves. It is a technique in controlling the mind rather than the mind
becoming our master. A series of suggested actions serve as a guide in acquiring new habits that will assist the person in resolving the issue.
The questioner is also advised that the reading is only effective depending on the amount of work he or she is willing to do and go through in order to produce a string of changes within himself or herself. Change within is always crucial in order for change to manifest itself in our environment.
Here is where we are given the reins of destiny and free will. We all have the capacity to make changes in our lives. Of course, everyone would want these changes to be positive. When should we start making these changes? There is no better time than the present. Get rid of the debris in our present lives and make room for the new. Only then can we truly say that we deliberately or mindfully make our own circumstances, our own future.
Why were the cards called Saiwala? Why a name so alien, so esoteric? I was looking all over for a name that would best describe the cards and the word soul came into my mind. For a while I decided to use that name until someone informed me that a set of cards already exists by that name. So the search went on until finally I got hold of a dictionary and searched under the word soul. I discovered that Saiwala is an old Germanic term which means from the sea. There was this ancient Germanic belief that souls came from and return to the sea. Then it occurred to me how appropriate the name was since it suggested a journey from a Source and back, a very close circumstance to what we all as souls are going through our journey from and back to God.
For information on ordering the whole set (soft-bound book and a set of 100+ cards) EMAIL us at