It was in a lecture with a very open-minded and psychically-gifted Jesuit priest that I had my first hand experience in channeling. I was about 17 then and he was lecturing inside the chapel to a crowd of about more than a hundred. He was at the end of the lecture and channeling energies by laying on hands on the crown of our heads.
As he laid his hand on my head I felt a rush of energy through my body and each part was vibrating and tingling with sensations. Out of the blue, words not understandable to me then started to pour out from my lips. As they gathered around me to listen to what I said II was totally unconscious of what was happening to me. Little did I know, one other priest took pictures of me and later published it in the school paper. I was the butt of jokes for weeks considering the level of consciousness people had then and their close-minded views about paranormal phenomena.
A more encouraging session followed more than a decade after with my dear friend, Helen. We were in her meditation room when she showed me a communion host which was supposed to be a materialization from one of the spiritual groups dealing with several Catholic deities. As I took hold of the framed host I felt a tingling sensation in my hands and slowly slipped into a light trance as Helen deliberately assured me that it was perfectly safe to go into a trance state. I started to deliver messages on what was to transpire on the planned retreat that weekend. Since then, I've given hundreds of channeled sessions for different people mostly from their Guides and Higher Selves.
There are so many misconceptions about channeling. It is an ability which most of us possess and is just a method of communication to connect with other beings and other levels of consciousness and let these realities express themselves through our bodies. It is like a being a living transmitter or radio tuning itself to various frequencies in order to get in touch with different stations and getting various information in subtle energies.
Opening myself as a channel to different guides and beings from the higher realms have helped me and my clients jumped through shifts of consciousness that facilitated movements in leading more well-lived life episodes. These sessions have given us ways to understand the changes we have to go through in order to learn the hidden lessons each moment of our lives. Furthermore, it expanded our myopic views of the universe passed on from generations before us giving us more realms to explore. It is a continuing adventure until the present where gifts continue to pour in as we open ourselves to communicate with different wise beings from dimensions other than the present we live in.
Guides and other beings that communicate with us come from many different levels. The pertinence of the information derived from and the quality of relationship with the guide will be determined by level of its consciousness. It will also depend on the level of consciousness of the person communicating. It is always safe to channel information from the Higher Self, especially if pertaining to the self, as what the legendary channel Edgar Cayce did for thousand of readings for people.
Guides can come from the realms of the angelic kingdom like Archangel Michael, St. Raphael, St. Gabriel, etc. There are also guides known as the Ascended Masters like Kuthumi, Serapis Bey, Lanto, etc. some are considered deities like Jesus Christ, Buddha, Quan Yin, etc. Some guides come from other planetary systems like those from Pleaides and can appear in meditations etherically to help in planetary transformation.
It is surprising to know that some guides can appear, give messages and communicate even if they are embodied presently on Earth. One of these guides is Sai Baba, who presently resides in India. One can actually call on him for information and other help. He usually responds immediately. I communicate with him very often and he has been the source of answers to so many of my questions.
One can even ask for specific guides for specific lessons and needs. All one has to do is ask the Universe to provide a knowledgeable guide, for example, in learning how to heal emotionally. One has to be very specific with one's requests, otherwise, one might get more or less than what one has asked for.
The best way to start channeling is through inspirational writing which I know is how most teachers would start their students. A student can ask for a specific guide or his Higher Self to provide information to certain answers on a topic, meditate and wait for information to come through.
It is advisable that a neophyte study under the auspices of a trained teacher before delving into uncharted realms. A lot of entity possessions no matter how minor have occurred because of inexperience and experimentation. These entities may even attached themselves to the student and influence their lives until properly removed. This is a warning to be taken seriously because I have encountered a lot of people who have attached astral entities living through and sucking their energies.
It is also advisable to ask the help of your Higher Self and Archangel Michael for protection before embarking on any work concerning channeling.
The media have shown so many ways of channeling but have mostly centered on mediumship because of the mysterious phenomena that happens when an entity enters the body of a medium in seances.
Channeling is a form of empathy where we feel and resonate with the thoughts and feelings of another entity we are communicating with. In resonating I mean getting into the right vibratory rate of the entity or guide to facilitate exchange of information or communication. As has been stated before people with lower levels of consciousness would tend to attract guides or entities of such levels and vice versa, although there are always exceptions to the rules. Like attracts like. This is where the importance of experienced teachers come in.
There are conscious channelers who can receive and relay messages when they go into alpha level. Alpha level is a brain frequency where we become receptive to various paranormal events. They receive impressions, thoughts, messages and images from the entities they are communicating with.
There are what we call light trance channels and usually involves telepathic communication with the guides. They go into a light trance at the alpha level and listen to information coming through them while still being conscious of their environment. There are also channels who are able to clairvoyantly see the entities they are communicating with while relaying messages to people who need information from the called entity. The channeler usually feels various sensations from bodily vibrations to subtle energies moving through their bodies.
Deep-trance channels become unconscious during the trance. They completely set aside their personalities in order for the guide to come in and relay information to whoever seeks it from the channeler at the time. The unconscious state of the channeler render him unable to retain most of the information relayed through him. This entails a complete trusting relationship between the guides and the channeler for the later to completely turn over his body for the previous to use.
She is a 37 year old woman who lives in Oakland, California who has produced a line of metaphysical tapes, and conducts workshops that teach people how to channel and reach expanded levels of consciousness. She has a partner by the name of Duane Parker, another gifted healer and channeler. She woks with her guide, Orin, for many years. Orin, her guide, describes himself as a spiritual teacher who exists in many systems of reality besides the physical.
A 30 year old man who also lives in Oakland and works as a freelance writer for corporations and ad agencies. He is married for several years and also writes plays, novels and screenplays. Mithra, his guide had led him to undergo psychological healing and spiritual understanding. He told Thom he used the name Mithra to communicate with Thom as a convenience for Thom's sake.
He is a 35 year old artist residing in Los Angeles working a s a graphic illustrator and a special effects miniature builder. His Guide, Bashar, says he comes from the planet Essassani, 500 light years in the direction of the Orion constellation. Darryl travels and publicly channels Bashar, spreading his spiritual teachings. He has produced several videotapes of his channelings and a book by Bob Decard, The California Connection, describes most of Bashar's basic teachings.